Need Help Classes won't populate in Microsoft Visual Studio

After getting to the Entry Level Chapter 3, Visual Studio Extension, when it comes to the 3 windows at the bottom after clicking VIEW>OTHER WINDOWS>CODEEASY EXTENSIONS, and signing in, the page loads up correctly, but there are no courses listed in any of the 3 screens. Then when hit the refresh icon to the right, the program shuts down. Not sure how to repopulate the classes or get the program to stop from shutting down. Logging in to Codeeasy is fine and I’m connected online.

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Hi @Jack_F

We have just reproduced the issue, thank you so much for reporting it!

As soon as we have updates on it, we’ll let you know in this thread!

Hi @Jack_F

The issue with VS extension has been fixed! Please try it for yourself and let me know if it works for you now.

Thanks once again for reporting this issue!