Please help me with the task: "Calculate your salary"

Hello, I’m working on this task:

Create 4 int variables with different names. Assign them these values: 1000, 2000, 3000, 10000. Using string interpolation, insert those int variables into the strings to get such output:
In one year my salary is going to be 1000 USD
In two years my salary is going to be 2000 USD
In three years my salary is going to be 3000 USD
In four years my salary is going to be 10000 USD

Here is my code:

public static class CalculateYourSalary
   public static void Main()

       Console.WriteLine($"In one year my salary is going to be 1000 usd");
       Console.WriteLine($"In two years my salary is going to be 2000 usd");
       Console.WriteLine($"In three years my salary is going to be 3000 usd");
       Console.WriteLine($"In  four years my salary is going to be 10000 usd");

Can anyone please help me to solve it?

Hi Soleiman, the mistake is trivial - you have a double space in the fourth line. “In four years…”

It is strange that Codeasy treats 2 spaces as a mistake, but anyway, thank you!