Please help me with the task: Exact time validator

Hello, I’m working on this task:

Write a program that reads a time from the console. Time is represented by two integers – hours and minutes. Each of them will be written from a new line, hours first. The hour must be a value between 0 and 23, and the minutes between 0 and 59. If the user inputs an incorrect value for either variable, the progarm should output: “This is not a valid time. Try again!”, otherwise: “The time is {hours}:{minutes}” The program should continue to ask for and read values for the hours and minutes until the user inputs valid values for both of them. For example:
This is not a valid time. Try again!

This is not a valid time. Try again!

This is not a valid time. Try again!

The time is 5:17

Here is my code:

namespace InputValidation
   class WhatTimeIsItNow
       static void Main(string[] args)
           var hoursAsString = Console.ReadLine();
           var minutesAsString = Console.ReadLine();
           int hours;
           int minutes;
           bool valid = false;
           while (!valid)
               if (!int.TryParse(hoursAsString, out hours) || !int.TryParse(minutesAsString, out minutes))
                   valid = false;
               else if (((hours > 23) && (hours < 0)) || ((minutes < 0) && (minutes > 59)))
                   valid = false;

               else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hoursAsString) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(minutesAsString)))
                   valid = false;
                   valid = true;
               if (!valid)
                   Console.WriteLine("This is not a valid time. Try again!");
                   hoursAsString = Console.ReadLine();
                   minutesAsString = Console.ReadLine();
           if (int.TryParse(hoursAsString, out hours) && int.TryParse(minutesAsString, out minutes))
               Console.WriteLine($"The time is {hours}:{minutes}");

It can’t see {minutes} in Console.WriteLine, I can’t get why;) Thanks in advance!
Can anyone please help me to solve it?

  1. Check this line:
else if (((hours > 23) && (hours < 0)) || ((minutes < 0) && (minutes > 59)))

none of the failed cases actually get’s inside of this condition. For example if hours is 15 and minutes is 67.

else if (((15 > 23) && (15 < 0)) ||  ((67 < 0) && (67 > 59))   =>

(false && false) || ( false && true ) =>

false  || false  => false
  1. You forgot {} after if (!valid)

The rest is correct :slight_smile:

Thank you!
I fixed this line to or( || ) condition, but still have an error "Use of unassigned local variable ‘minutes’ " here Console.WriteLine($“The time is {hours}:{minutes}”);

Have you fixed #2? with {} ?

One other suggestion is to move line
Console.WriteLine($"The time is {hours}:{minutes}");
directly after

valid = true;

and remove 2 last lines of the code :slight_smile:

It works, thank you :hugs: