Please help me with the task: Happiness of the developer.

Hello, I’m working on this task:

Write a program that compares strings in variables myName and bestProgrammerEverName. If they are equal, output “Happiness!” to the screen.

Here is my code:

using System;

namespace IfStatements
   class HappinessOfTheDeveloper
       static void Main(string[] args)
           string myName = "Teo";
           string bestProgrammerEverName = "Teo";
           myName = a;
           bestProgrammerEverName = b;
           a = b;


Can anyone please help me to solve it?

if (myName == bestProgrammerEverName)

“==” Compares
“=” Assigns

the {} are used as indention for the if statement


       myName = a;
       bestProgrammerEverName = b;
       a = b;

as this would be assigning a variable to a non existant variable