Please help me with the task: How many cars

Hello, I’m working on this task:

Create a class Car. Inside the class, create a public static int field CarsCount and increment it in the constructor.
In the Main method, create 5 objects of the type Car. Then, output a string containing the number of cars created to the screen, “Number of created cars is {CarsCount}”, using the value of the static field for it.

Here is my code:

namespace Static
   class Car
       public static int CarsCount;

       public Car()

   class HowManyCars
       public static void Main()
           Car car1 = new Car();
           Car car2 = new Car();
           Car car3 = new Car();
           Car car4 = new Car();
           Car car5 = new Car();

           Console.WriteLine($"Number of created cars is {0}", Car.CarsCount);

Can anyone please help me to solve it?

using System;

namespace Static
class Car
public static int CarsCount;

    public Car()

class HowManyCars
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Car car1 = new Car();
        Car car2 = new Car();
        Car car3 = new Car();
        Car car4 = new Car();
        Car car5 = new Car();

        Console.WriteLine("Number of created cars is {0}", Car.CarsCount);


this is the right code