Please help me with the task: InputValidation.Battleship

Hello, I’m working on this task:

Write a program that validates a battleship move. It first reads a letter [A–J] or [a–j] and then an integer [1–10], each from the new line. If the input for the move is valid, program should output “Next move is {letter}{number}.” Otherwise, it should output “Letter should be from A to J. Number from 1 to 10. Try again!” The program should continue to ask for and read values for the battleship move until the user inputs valid values for both of them. Pay attention: it should be case insensitive; ‘A’ and ‘a’ are both allowable. Your program should, however, output letter in the same case as it was entered. For example:
Letter should be from A to J. Number from 1 to 10. Try again!

Letter should be from A to J. Number from 1 to 10. Try again!

Letter should be from A to J. Number from 1 to 10. Try again!

Next move is c5.

Here is my code:

namespace InputValidation
   class Battleship
       static void Main(string[] args)
           var letterAsString = Console.ReadLine();
           var numberAsString = Console.ReadLine();

           char letter;
           int number;

           bool success = char.TryParse(letterAsString, out letter) && int.TryParse(numberAsString, out number);

           while (!success)

               if (!char.TryParse(letterAsString, out letter) || int.TryParse(numberAsString, out number))
                       success = false;

               else if (letter > 'j' && letter > 'J' || letter < 'a' && letter < 'A')
                   success = false;

               else if (number > 10 || number < 1)
                   success = false;

                   success = true;

                    Console.WriteLine("Letter should be from A to J. Number from 1 to 10. Try again!");
                   letterAsString = Console.ReadLine();
                   numberAsString = Console.ReadLine();

           Console.WriteLine($"Next move is {letter}{number}.");

Can anyone please help me to solve it?

I have writen the exact same code, but the program wants to use this instead.
char.ToLower(letter) > ‘j’ || char.ToLower(letter) < ‘a’