Please help me with the task: "Zanzibar game"

Hello, I’m working on this task:

Write a program that plays an ancient game - Zanzibar. The rules are very simple: you ask an opponent to choose a number with “Input a number”. When they answer with a number, you increment it by one and say “{my number}, I won!” Here’s what the console output should look like: Input a number
101, I won!

/*Note: The > symbol, here and in future examples, indicates the user’s input.*/

Here is my code:

namespace ZanzibarGame
   public class Zanzibar
       public static void Main(string[] args)
           Console.WriteLine("Input a number");
           string inputAsString = Console.ReadLine();
           int myNumber = int.Parse(inputAsString);
           // Do some magic with myNumber
           myNumber = inputAsString + 1;
           Console.WriteLine ($"{myNumber}, I won!");

Can anyone please help me to solve it?

Almost everything is correct in this code. The only mistake that I see is that you are adding 1 to inputAsString, but you should rather add it to myNumber.