You’re finishing the last chapter of CodeEasy and wondering what is next? For sure a lot depends on the chosen career path, but there are a couple of topics you should know no matter what The list below will get more and more of useful links and don’t hesitate to share your thoughts and “must have” skils.
- The top skill, that is hard to avoid is Git. In this short article, you’ll find the most used git commands and scenarios. To start practicing take any of your favourite solutions and:
- create a git repository on Github(So that the world will be able to see it too) following this guide,
- read about git clone(you’ll use it in all shared projects) and git init (if you’re the one starting a new project) and use one of them
- create a new branch
- stash and commit your code
- push your branch to your repo
- share the code with your classmates and get feedback as comments on Github (code review)
- make some changes and add them with the steps above or using GIT cheat sheet
- read about merge conflicts and practice how to solve them in a common project (don’t be afraid of them, they are quite common in the real work places, so it’s great to practice solving them asap)
- Databases. The most commonly uses databases are of type SQL. I’d really recommend to start from a nice library called SQLite, that is really easy to install in Visual Studio (on both Windows and Mac) via nuget package. Here is a great tutorial on how to do that..
A great place to practice different commands is Mode tutorial or w3schools tutorial. The main 4 commands you should know(often called as CRUD) are:
- Insert (stands fore Create)
- Select (stands for Read)
- Update
- Delete
- In the modern project you’ll definitely see:
- Your collective or personal project. The best way to practice everything, you’ve learned on CodeEasy and much more is by coding, coding and a bit more of coding
Before starting I’d recommend a couple of common approaches:
follow MVP (Minimum viable product) principle. Don’t stuck in details and don’t stuck at one line for too long. Google, ask and try different approaches.
from the very beginning start thinking a bit about architecture and structure of your application. So that it’s easy to find a piece of code, that you’d like to update. Quite nice article about most common software architectural patterns
In a way, think all the time as if you’d like that a complete stranger will easily find some specific document in your Documents folder on your laptop, knowing only a field of use and type, but not the specific name of the document.
- I’ve been working a lot with web projects (websites and backend for mobile apps), so I’ll include some useful tips for these type of applications. Feel free to skip if you’d like to work with something else.
Postman a software to test your backend calls
Simple http web server library to start practicing web calls. Can be installed in 3 minutes by following a video tutorial.
And if you have time - it’s always a great idea to read books, explaining C# and coding practices in depth. One of my favourite is Clean Code.